The Salton Sea State Recreation Area Vision Plan imagines a future for the Salton Sea State Recreation Area (SSSRA) that restores the land’s natural beauty and connects its recreational opportunities to the local communities.
The Salton Sea is one of California’s most intriguing yet underutilized natural resources. Currently viewed as a public health hazard, the northern shoreline of the Sea is largely inaccessible to the predominantly Spanish-speaking communities surrounding it.
While the Recreation Area offers resources such as camping facilities, picnic areas, and environmental education, few local residents are aware of the facility, and even fewer view it as a space where they are welcome to participate or enjoy the shore. Additionally, the Salton Sea shoreline is receding due to climate change and water policies, resulting in harmful air quality levels, disappearing habitats, rapid bird and fish population declines, and deterioration of recreation opportunities.
On-site engagements helped community members imagine how the recreation area could be changed to meet their needs and interests.
Beginning in 2020, KDI partnered with California State Parks and Alianza, a local community group, to understand the untapped potential for the Recreation Area to address local issues of equity, park access, and environmental health.
Our team had four goals:
Increase accessibility and relevance of the SSSRA to local Eastern Coachella Valley (ECV) residents
Improve State Parks’ capacity to facilitate programming and fund future physical updates
Increase and diversify visitorship numbers
Allow for community residents to have direct input into the shaping and phasing of proposed site improvements
The robust engagement strategy included eight community workshops, an online survey, youth focus groups with the Youth Organizing Council and Desert Mirage Green Academy, a Community Program Advisory Committee, and ongoing collaboration with regional and local agencies.
The concept design for Varner Harbor, Southern Harbor, and the Fishing Jetty at the SSSRA.
The Plan proposes a variety of specific and systemic changes on-site to help facilitate a more diverse and inclusive set of educational programs and community events, supported by a proposed set of physical spaces to house these uses.
To address site access, the Plan suggests changes such as a reduced entry cost for local residents, better park connections to public transit, and additional wayfinding signage. Within the park, local residents advocated for improvements like an expanded network of bike and nature trails, bilingual educational wayfinding, and community programming like stargazing events and lotería nights.
The Vision Plan will serve as a guide for State Parks as they work toward implementation and funding applications.
The Lotería cards deck created in collaboration with local students.
In addition to our final Vision Plan, we created a Salton Sea themed version of Lotería, the beloved Mexican tabletop game.
We worked in collaboration with the Youth Council and the Desert Mirage High School Green Academy to develop the Lotería deck, combining design and environmental education. Each student chose a Valley-specific creature or landmark to research and illustrate, which KDI turned into playing cards. KDI held a community event on the SSSRA site to play the game with the students, their families, and the broader community.