The fourth site in the KPSP network marked a new emphasis on engaging youth, particularly those engaged in antisocial activity. Formerly a crime hotspot and dump that posed a particular risk to women, the site is now safe, clean, and home to a sanitation center, childcare program, and offices.
Original conditions at the site
KPSP04 lies at the border of the Lindi and Laini Saba villages. Adjacent to a bridge and two tributaries of the Ngong River, the site was used by pedestrians to access a main road.
Existing community group Slumcare highlighted challenges such as flooding, youth unemployment, trash, pollution and insecurity.
Newly installed gabions
KDI partnered with Slumcare and helped establish two new community groups to engage women and youth: Ndovu Development Group and Usalama Bridge Youth Reform.
Together, the groups led a community clean-up to make way for a riverbank gabion system, landscaped recreation area, and improved drainage channels to reduce flooding.
Completed site
A sanitation block and water tap, operated by Slumcare, connect to municipal water and sewerage infrastructure.
Usalama runs a youth group from their office, while the women at Ndovu operate a baby care collective. The site also includes a play area and a pedestrian bridge, improving the existing access path.
Celebrations at the opening ceremony
The participation of at-risk youth in the project has greatly increased security in the area, while the sanitation block serves hundreds of residents per week.
Usalama are currently establishing a new boda boda taxi service which will further increase their economic opportunities and improve mobility for the entire Kibera community.