Opening the new KPSP06 bridge

Kibera Public Space Project 06

KPSP06 in context

Workshop to select the sanitation system

Pouring foundations for the sanitation block

Opening the new KPSP06 bridge

Kibera Public Space Project 06

kibera public space project 06

KPSP06 marked a return to KPSP01, completed 6 years earlier, with a focus on much-needed sanitation facilities and flood protection. NNDC once again partnered with KDI to design and build a sanitation block and install bamboo planting, and built on existing programs to create a self-sustaining hub for community services.


Original conditions at the site

Although KPSP01 was alive and well, NNDC identified two additional and pressing needs.

The first was the continued erosion of the neighboring waterway, leading to ever-increasing flooding. The second was the lack of nearby sanitation facilities. Formal connection to city infrastructure was impossible, and flooding ruled out any septic options.


Planting bamboo to protect the riverbank

The community visited various decentralized sanitation systems, considered the benefits and drawbacks of each, and voted to install dry compost toilets.

Local residents manufactured soil-stabilised bricks with which to construct the sanitation block. Bamboo was planted along the riverbank to prevent further soil erosion and flooding.


Construction of the sanitation block

In addition to the bamboo planting, KPSP06 includes a new steel bridge connecting Soweto and Silanga villages to further reduce flood-related risk.

The sanitation block features a roof that captures rainwater to irrigate crops, and waste from the toilets is processed in compost bins to sell to floriculture operations.


The greenhouse at KPSP06 grows crops for the community

Building on the existing facilities at KPSP01, KPSP06 is a hub of critical community amenities and a self-sustaining operation, generating revenue through multiple avenues to support itself and the community.

NNDC continue to lead environmental remediation and community development efforts, sharing their knowledge for the advancement of all of Kibera.