Service Areas
- design + build
- plan + program
- research + test
- advocate + educate
Impact Types
- gender equity
- arts + culture
- civic engagement
- climate resilience
- economic development
- healthy communities
- sustainable landscapes
- youth
Project Title
Service Area
Impact Types
flowing together
2023 - 2024
advocate + educate
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
civic engagement
infrastructures of climate repair
2022 - ongoing
research + test
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
civic engagement,
sustainable landscapes,
gender equity
kalobeyei public spaces
2021 - ongoing
research + test,
design + build,
plan + program,
advocate + educate
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
civic engagement
living data hubs
2019 - ongoing
research + test
healthy communities,
civic engagement,
economic development
2018 - ongoing
research + test
healthy communities,
climate resilience,
civic engagement
flooding community adaptation
2017 - ongoing
research + test
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
healthy communities,
economic development,
sustainable landscapes,
climate resilience
rivers and people
2016 - ongoing
advocate + educate
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
civic engagement
kibera public space project 11
2010 - ongoing
design + build
healthy communities,
civic engagement,
sustainable landscapes,
economic development,
climate resilience
kibera public space project
2006 - ongoing
design + build
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
bringing bricks to kibera
2021 - 2023
plan + program,
design + build
economic development,
civic engagement,
arts + culture
kibera public space project 09
2016 - 2022
design + build
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
2018 - 2019
design + build
economic development,
climate resilience,
healthy communities
kibera public space project 10
2017 - 2019
design + build
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
KDI-KEFRI carpentry academy
2016 - 2019
plan + program
economic development,
sustainable landscapes,
bridges over the ngong river
2016 - 2019
design + build
arts + culture,
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes
engineering 4 people challenge
2017 - 2018
advocate + educate
healthy communities,
climate resilience,
sustainable landscapes
kibera public space project 08
2016 - 2018
design + build
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
risk or resilience?
2016 - 2018
research + test
healthy communities,
climate resilience,
economic development,
2016 - 2018
research + test
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
civic engagement
2015 - 2017
advocate + educate
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
healthy communities,
building urban flood resilience
2015 - 2016
research + test
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes
Kibera Public Space Project 07
2014 - 2015
design + build
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
kibera public space project 05
2013 - 2015
design + build
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
economic development,
sustainable landscapes,
healthy communities
kibera public space project 06
2013 - 2014
design + build
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
WATSAN portal: kibera
research + test
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes
kibera public space project 04
2012 - 2013
design + build
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
kibera public space project 02
2010 - 2011
design + build
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
kibera public space project 01
2006 - 2010
design + build
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
kibera urban agriculture study
research + test
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes
kibera public space project 03
2011 - 2013
design + build
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
Project Title
Service Area
Impact Types
our resilient rio vision plan
2021 - 2024
plan + program,
design + build
healthy communities,
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
sustainable landscapes
ecv shade equity master plan
2024 - ongoing
plan + program,
research + test,
advocate + educate
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes
vare recreation center
2019 - 2024
design + build
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
next stop
2022 - ongoing
plan + program
gender equity
villa verde
2018 - ongoing
design + build
healthy communities,
arts + culture,
sustainable landscapes,
play streets
2015 - ongoing
plan + program
healthy communities,
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
2013 - ongoing
plan + program
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
the ECV public space network
2011 - ongoing
design + build
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
mar vista gardens greening plan
2020 - 2023
plan + program,
design + build
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
civic engagement,
climate resilience
vamos nomar
2022 - 2023
plan + program
healthy communities,
economic development
desert lake shore
design + build
arts + culture,
climate resilience
salton sea amenities strategy
2022 - 2023
advocate + educate
civic engagement,
economic development,
healthy communities,
climate resilience
visioning hope
2021 - 2022
plan + program
civic engagement,
economic development,
healthy communities
aak'w village arts+culture district
2021 - 2022
plan + program
arts + culture,
healthy communities,
civic engagement
salton sea recreation area
2020 - 2022
advocate + educate,
plan + program
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes
ECV heat impact study
2020 - 2022
design + build
climate resilience,
healthy communities
coachella civic center
2019 - 2021
plan + program
civic engagement,
economic development
changing lanes
2019 - 2021
research + test
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
gender equity
gender-inclusive planning+design
2019 - 2020
advocate + educate
healthy communities,
economic development,
gender equity
somos oasis
2016 - 2021
design + build
civic engagement,
arts + culture,
climate resilience,
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
expanding park access in CA
2018 - 2020
advocate + educate
civic engagement,
healthy communities
eastern coachella valley mobility plans
2017 - 2020
plan + program
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
healthy communities
vermont and manchester
2018 - 2019
plan + program
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
voices of the salton sea
2017 - 2018
advocate + educate
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
climate resilience,
civic engagement
complete parks campaign
2016 - 2018
advocate + educate
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes
nuestro lugar
2013 - 2018
design + build
civic engagement,
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
arts + culture,
economic development
go human
2015 - 2016
plan + program
healthy communities,
civic engagement,
arts + culture,
sustainable landscapes
st. anthony's trailer park
2015 - 2016
design + build
watts re:imagined
2015 - 2016
plan + program
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
economic development,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes
thermal PPS
2018 - ongoing
design + build
delicias laguna azul
2013 - ongoing
plan + program
civic engagement,
economic development,
healthy communities,
coachella wellness center
2018 - ongoing
design + build
arts + culture,
civic engagement,
economic development,
climate resilience,
healthy communities,
sustainable landscapes,
play everywhere YPI
2017 - 2018